
RubbaSnow®; grip in the icy mountains

It's not surprising that a non-slip, fall tested safety surface would make a great choice when snow and ice cause problems for people.


Chosen by Ski Resorts

RubbaSnow® makes a brilliant choice as a surface to prevent people slipping on busy ski slopes!

  • Anti-slip surface: perfect for mitigating the fall risks of ice and snow

  • Fall protection rated up to 3m: great if falling/slipping does happen

  • Not just for snowy/icy environments, grass can grow through in the off-season promoting good soil-health

A significant benefit of RubbaSnow® is how light and manurable the matting is, because of the apertures in the design compared to other solutions.

After looking into almost every other option available, RubbaSnow® just made the most sense by far. For the environment, for safety, and for all-season protection.
Gestionnaire de services, Chatlet Haute Montagne, Les Arcs

What if snowfall covers the matting?

In some areas of particularly high snowfall, even the thickest rubber matting will be covered by snow. The best option is this case is to remove the snow/ice off the matting. Although due to the unique design of RubbaSnow®, you should only need to do this in extreme weather conditions. RubbaSnow® is designed to collect snow within the individual holes to prevent it from compacting into a solid, uniform surface. By doing this, they facilitate the melting process, as smaller pieces of snow require less heat and time to melt.

In order to get the best out of your safety matting, we recommend using sodium chloride on the ground.